Window functions (OVER clause)

Materialize offers a wide range of window functions, such as LAG, LEAD, ROW_NUMBER, and FIRST_VALUE, to support a variety of complex query patterns. This page discusses certain window function query patterns where rewriting your query to not use window functions can yield a better performance.

Currently, Materialize implements window functions by recomputing results for an entire window partition when an input record is added, removed or changed in the partition. This means that when a new batch of input data arrives (that is, every second) the system has to perform an amount of computation proportional to the total size of the touched partitions (where the partitions are determined by the PARTITION BY clause inside the OVER clause of your window function call). For example, if in a certain second 20 input records change, and these records belong to 10 different partitions, and the average sizes of these partitions is 100, then the system will perform work proportional to computing window function results for 10*100=1000 rows.

As a rule of thumb, if the total size of all touched window partitions is at most 1000000 rows per second, then the system should be able to keep up with the input data as it arrives. However, if you find that your use case has higher performance requirements, then consider rewriting your query to not use window functions. This page helps with such rewrites.

It’s important to note that temporal windows are not the focus of this page. Temporal windows are efficiently supported by using temporal filters and time bucketing instead of window functions that use the OVER clause. Examples of temporal windows are when you want to window over the last hour of data, or group data based on which hour each record occurred in.

Example data

Let’s use the following sample data as input for examples:

    name text NOT NULL,
    state text NOT NULL,
    pop int NOT NULL

    ('Los_Angeles', 'CA', 3979576),
    ('Phoenix', 'AZ', 1680992),
    ('Houston', 'TX', 2320268),
    ('San_Diego', 'CA', 1423851),
    ('San_Francisco', 'CA', 881549),
    ('New_York', 'NY', 8336817),
    ('Dallas', 'TX', 1343573),
    ('San_Antonio', 'TX', 1547253),
    ('San_Jose', 'CA', 1021795),
    ('Chicago', 'IL', 2695598),
    ('Austin', 'TX', 978908);

Top K using ROW_NUMBER

In other databases, a popular way of computing the top K records per key is to use the ROW_NUMBER window function. For example, to get the 3 most populous city in each state:

SELECT state, name
  SELECT state, name, ROW_NUMBER() OVER
    (PARTITION BY state ORDER BY pop DESC) as row_num
  FROM cities
WHERE row_num <= 3;

If there are states that have many cities, a more performant way to express this in Materialize is to use a lateral join (or DISTINCT ON, if K = 1) instead of window functions:

SELECT state, name FROM
    (SELECT DISTINCT state FROM cities) grp,
        SELECT name FROM cities
        WHERE state = grp.state
        ORDER BY pop DESC LIMIT 3

For more details, see Top K by group.

FIRST_VALUE/LAST_VALUE of an entire partition

Suppose that you want to compute the ratio of each city’s population vs. the most populous city in the same state. You can do so using window functions as follows:

SELECT state, name,
       CAST(pop AS float) / FIRST_VALUE(pop)
         OVER (PARTITION BY state ORDER BY pop DESC)
FROM cities;

For better performance, you can rewrite this query to first compute the largest population of each state using an aggregation, and then join against that:

SELECT cities.state, name, CAST(pop as float) / max_pops.max_pop
FROM cities,
     (SELECT state, MAX(pop) as max_pop
      FROM cities
      GROUP BY state) max_pops
WHERE cities.state = max_pops.state;

If the ROW_NUMBER would be called with an expression that is different from the expression in the ORDER BY clause, then the inner query would have to be replaced by a DISTINCT ON query.

LAG/LEAD for time series

If the input has a column that advances by regular amounts, then LAG and LEAD can be replaced by an equi-join. Suppose that you have the following data:

CREATE TABLE measurements(time timestamp, value float);
    (TIMESTAMP '2007-02-01 15:04:01', 8),
    (TIMESTAMP '2007-02-01 15:05:01', 9),
    (TIMESTAMP '2007-02-01 15:06:01', 12);

You can compute the differences between consecutive measurements using LAG():

SELECT time, value - LAG(value) OVER (ORDER BY time)
FROM measurements;

For better performance, you can rewrite this query using an equi-join:

SELECT m2.time, m2.value - m1.value
FROM measurements m1, measurements m2
WHERE m2.time = m1.time + INTERVAL '1' MINUTE;

Note that these queries differ in whether they include the first timestamp (with a NULL difference). Using a LEFT JOIN would make the outputs match exactly.

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