Database object explorer
Under Data, the Materialize Console provides a database object explorer.

When you select Data, the left panel collapses to reveal the database
object explorer.
You can inspect the objects in your databases by navigating to the object.
Object |
Available information |
Connections |
Details: The CREATE CONNECTION SQL statement. |
Indexes |
Details: The CREATE INDEX SQL statement.Workflow: Details about the index (e.g., status), freshness, upstream and downstream objects. Visualize: Dataflow visualization. |
Materialized Views |
Details: The CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW SQL statement.Workflow: Details about the materialized view (e.g., status), freshness, upstream and downstream objects.Visualize: Dataflow visualization. |
Sinks |
Overview: View the sink metrics (e.g., messages/bytes produced) and details (e.g., Kafka topic).Details: The CREATE SINK SQL statement.Errors: Errors associated with the sink.Workflow: Details about the sink (e.g., status), freshness, upstream and downstream objects. |
Sources |
Overview: View the ingestion metrics (e.g., Ingestion lag, messages/bytes received, Ingestion rate), Memory/CPU/Disk usageDetails: The CREATE SOURCE SQL statement.Errors: Errors associated with the source.Subsources: List of associated subsources and their status.Workflow: Details about the source (e.g.,status), freshness, upstream and downstream objects.Indexes: Indexes on the source. |
Subsources |
Details: The CREATE SUBSOURCE SQL statement.Columns: Column details.Workflow: Details about the subsource (e.g.,status), freshness, upstream and downstream objects.Indexes: Indexes on the subsource. |
Tables |
Details: The CREATE TABLE SQL statement.Workflow: Details about the table (e.g., status), freshness, upstream and downstream objects.Columns: Column details.Indexes: Indexes on the table. |
Views |
Details: The CREATE VIEW SQL statement.Columns: Column details.Indexes: Indexes on the view. |
Sample source overview

Sample index workflow

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