Use Terraform to manage Materialize
Terraform is an infrastructure-as-code tool that allows you to manage your resources in a declarative configuration language. Materialize maintains a Terraform provider to help you safely and predictably provision and manage connections, sources, and other database objects.
Materialize also maintains several modules that make it
easier to manage other cloud resources that Materialize depends on. Modules
allow you to bypass manually configuring cloud resources and are an efficient
way of deploying infrastructure with a single terraform apply
Terraform provider
The Materialize provider is hosted on the Terraform provider registry.
To use the Materialize provider, you create a new
file and add the
required providers:
terraform {
required_providers {
materialize = {
source = "MaterializeInc/materialize"
To configure the provider to communicate with your Materialize region, you need to authenticate with a Materialize username, app password, and other specifics from your account.
We recommend saving sensitive input variables as environment variables to avoid
checking secrets into source control. In Terraform, you can export Materialize
app passwords as a Terraform environment variable
with the TF_VAR_<name>
export TF_VAR_MZ_PASSWORD=<app_password>
In the
file, add the provider configuration and any variable
variable "MZ_PASSWORD" {}
provider "materialize" {
password = var.MZ_PASSWORD
default_region = <region>
database = <database>
Creating service accounts
Minimum requirements: terraform-provider-materialize
As a best practice, we strongly recommend using service accounts
to connect external applications to Materialize. To create a
service account, create a new materialize_role
and associate it with a new materialize_app_password
of type service
. More granular permissions for the service account can then
be configured using role-based access control (RBAC).
# Create a service user in the aws/us-east-1 region.
resource "materialize_role" "production_dashboard" {
name = "svc_production_dashboard"
region = "aws/us-east-1"
# Create an app password for the service user.
resource "materialize_app_password" "production_dashboard" {
name = "production_dashboard_app_password"
type = "service"
user =
roles = ["Member"]
# Allow the service user to use the "production_analytics" database.
resource "materialize_database_grant" "database_usage" {
role_name =
privilege = "USAGE"
database_name = "production_analytics"
region = "aws/us-east-1"
# Export the user and password for use in the external tool.
output "production_dashboard_user" {
value =
output "production_dashboard_password" {
value = materialize_app_password.production_dashboard.password
Materialize resources
The Materialize provider allows you to create several resource types in your
region. Resources correspond to Materialize objects and are configured
with the resource
block in your Terraform configuration file.
For example, to create a new cluster, you would use the materialize_cluster
resource "materialize_cluster" "example_cluster" {
name = "cluster"
You can find reference documentation for all the resources available in the Materialize provider in the Terraform registry.
Create Materialize data sources
The Materialize provider supports several data source types to retrieve
information about your existing Materialize resources. Data sources can return
information about objects defined outside of Terraform and can be used as
variables in your configuration with the data
For example, to return information about your current clusters, you would use the
data source:
data "materialize_cluster" "all" {}
This data source returns all cluster names and IDs which you can use as variables for new resources.
Import Materialize objects into Terraform state
Terraform allows you to import infrastructure into your current Terraform state
file. Importing objects allows you to keep track of infrastructure created
outside of the Terraform workflow. The terraform import
command lets you
specify objects you want Terraform to manage and reduces potential configuration
drift. Importing objects allows you to keep related infrastructure in a
Terraform state file and let Terraform manage the configuration.
For instance, if you created a cluster in Materialize and wanted to manage that resource with Terraform, you would add create resource block for the resource you want to import in your Terraform configuration:
resource "materialize_cluster.<cluster_name> {
name = <cluster_name>
Next, you would use the terraform import
command with the cluster name and ID
to associate the object with the resource block:
terraform import materialize_cluster.<cluster_name> <CLUSTER_ID>
Terraform will then manage the cluster and you can use Terraform as the source of truth for your Materialize object.
Terraform modules
The Terraform modules below provide the cloud infrastructure foundation Materialize needs to communicate with components outside of Materialize itself. The Materialize provider allows users to manage Materialize resources in the same programmatic way.
You can use the modules to establish the underlying cloud resources and then use the Materialize provider to build Materialize-specific objects. A few use cases are captured in the sections below:
EC2 SSH bastion host
Another method for source connection is to use a bastion host to allow SSH communication to and from Materialize.
The EC2 SSH bastion module allows you to configure an EC2 instance with security groups and an SSH keypair. These components form the foundation you need to have a secure, centralized access point between your data source and Materialize.
After using the module, you can configure the materialize_connection_ssh_tunnel
resource with the module output, allowing Materialize an end-to-end connection
to your source. The provider will configure the same Materialize objects as the
Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL
You can also create an RDS instance from which you can track and propagate changes. The AWS RDS Postgres module creates a VPC, security groups, and an RDS instance in AWS. You can use these AWS components to create a database with data you want to process in Materialize.
After you run the module, you
can create a secret, connection, and source with the Materialize
provider for an end-to-end connection to this instance as a new source. The
Materialize provider will create these objects just like the CREATE SECRET
statements in SQL. The
secret, connection, and source resources would be similar to the example
Terraform configuration below with output from the module:
resource "materialize_secret" "example_secret" {
name = "secret"
value = <RDSpassword>
resource "materialize_connection_postgres" "example_postgres_connection" {
name = "example_postgres_connection"
host = <RDShostname>
port = 5432
user {
secret {
name = "example"
database_name = "database"
schema_name = "schema"
password {
name = "example"
database_name = "database"
schema_name = "schema"
database = "example"
resource "materialize_source_postgres" "example_source_postgres" {
name = "source_postgres"
schema_name = "schema"
cluster_name = "quickstart"
postgres_connection {
name = "pg_connection"
# Optional parameters
# database_name = "postgres"
# schema_name = "public"
publication = "mz_source"
table = {
"schema1.table_1" = "s1_table_1"
"schema2_table_1" = "s2_table_1"
External Secret Stores
Materialize does not directly integrate with external secret stores, but it’s possible to manage this integration via Terraform.
The secret stores demo shows how to handle secrets and sensitive data with some popular secret stores. By utilizing Terraform’s infrastructure-as-code model, you can automate and simplify both the initial setup and ongoing management of secret stores with Materialize.
A popular secret store is HashiCorp Vault. To use Vault with Materialize, you’ll need to install the Terraform Vault provider:
terraform {
required_providers {
vault = {
source = "hashicorp/vault"
version = "~> 3.15"
provider "vault" {
address = ""
token = "your-vault-token"
Next, fetch a secret from Vault and use it to create a new Materialize secret:
data "vault_generic_secret" "materialize_password" {
path = "secret/materialize"
resource "materialize_secret" "example_secret" {
name = "pgpass"
value =["pgpass"]
In this example, the vault_generic_secret
data source retrieves a secret from Vault, which is then used as the value for a new materialize_secret
You can find examples of using other popular secret stores providers in the secret stores demo.
If you want to help develop the Materialize provider, check out the contribution guidelines.