
Getting help

Self-managed Materialize (Community Edition)

For the Community Edition, join the Materialize Slack community or open a discussion. Slack is the best place to get timely help from Materialize employees and other users!

Self-managed Materialize (Enterprise Edition)

If you’re an Enterprise customer, you can access Materialize support via a shared channel within your company’s Slack or Microsoft Teams workspace.

To file a support ticket:

  1. Send a message to the shared channel describing your issue.
  2. Apply the :ticket: (🎫) emoji to your message.
  3. Click the File a ticket button that appears.
  4. Select the priority that corresponds to the severity of the issue you are experiencing. Consult the table below for definitions of error severities.
  5. Materialize will respond to the ticket within the response time specified in your support contract.
NOTE: Materialize only guarantees response times if you follow the above steps to convert a message into a support ticket.

Use the following definitions to determine what priority to assign to your support ticket:

Priority Response time Definition
Urgent Refer to your support contract Critical severity error: an Error in the Platform that: (a) renders the Platform completely inoperative, or (b) makes Customer’s use of material features of the Platform impossible, with no alternative available.
High Refer to your support contract High severity error: an Error in the Platform that (a) has a high impact to key portions of the Platform, or (b) seriously impairs Customer’s use of material features of the Platform and Customer cannot reasonably circumvent or avoid the Error on a temporary basis without the expenditure of significant time or effort.
Normal Refer to your support contract Medium severity error: an Error that has a medium-to-low impact on the Platform, but Customer can still access and use some functionality of the Platform.
Low Refer to your support contract Low severity error: an Error that has low-to-no impact on Customer’s access to and use of the Platform.

The following screen recording demonstrates the process of filing a support ticket:

Instructions for filing a support ticket

Requesting a feature

To request a new feature in Materialize, please submit a feature request.

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