Materialize Documentation
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Use indexes to speed up queries. Improvements can be significant, reducing some query times down to single-digit milliseconds. In particular, when the query filters only by the indexed fields.

Building an efficient index for distinct clauses and operators can be puzzling. To create the correct one, use the following sections, separated by clauses, as a guide:

ORDER BY and LIMIT aren’t clauses that benefit from an index.


Speedup a query involving a WHERE clause with equality comparisons, using the following table as a guide:

Clause Index
WHERE x = $1 CREATE INDEX ON view_name (x);
WHERE x IN ($1) CREATE INDEX ON view_name (x);
WHERE x * 2 = $1 CREATE INDEX ON view_name (x * 2);
WHERE upper(x) = $1 CREATE INDEX ON view_name (upper(x));
WHERE x = $1 AND y = $2 CREATE INDEX ON view_name (x, y);
WHERE x = $1 OR y = $2 CREATE INDEX ON view_name (x);
CREATE INDEX ON view_name (y);

Note: to speedup a query using a multi-column index, as in WHERE x = $1 AND y = $2, the query must use all the fields in the index chained together via the AND operator.


Speedup a query using a JOIN on two relations by indexing their join keys:

Clause Index
FROM view V JOIN table T ON ( = CREATE INDEX ON view (id);
CREATE INDEX ON table (id);


Speedup a query using a GROUP BY by indexing the aggregation keys:

Clause Index
GROUP BY x,y CREATE INDEX ON view_name (x,y);


Implement the default index when there is no particular WHERE, JOIN, or GROUP BY clause to fulfill. Or, as a shorthand for a multi-column index using all the available columns:

Clause Index
SELECT x, y FROM view_name CREATE DEFAULT INDEX ON view_name;
SELECT x, y FROM view_name WHERE x = $1 AND y = $2 CREATE DEFAULT INDEX ON view_name;


Materialize stores the majority of its state in memory, and works best when the streamed data can be reduced in some way. For example, if you know that only a subset of your rows and columns are relevant for your queries, it helps to avoid materializing sources or views until you’ve expressed this to the system. Materialize can then avoid stashing the full set of rows and columns, which can in some cases dramatically reduce Materialize’s memory footprint.


To prevent memory from growing without bound, Materialize periodically “compacts” data in arrangements. For example, if you have a source that tracks product inventory, you might receive periodic inventory updates throughout the day:

(T-shirts, 9:07am, +500)
(T-shirts, 11:32am, -1)
(T-shirts, 3:14pm, -2)

Logical compaction will fold historical updates that fall outside the compaction window into the state at the start of the window.

(T-shirts, 3:14pm, +497)

Materialize will only perform this compaction on data that falls outside the logical compaction window. The default compaction window is 1 millisecond behind the current time, but the window can be adjusted via the --logical-compaction-window option.

Adjusting the compaction window involves making a tradeoff between historical detail and resource usage. A larger compaction window retains more historical detail, but requires more memory. A smaller compaction window uses less memory but also retains less historical detail. Larger compaction windows also increase CPU usage, as more detailed histories require more compute time to maintain.

Note that compaction is triggered in response to updates arriving. As a result, if updates stop arriving for a source, Materialize may never compact the source fully. This can result in higher-than-expected memory usage.

This phenomenon is particularly evident when ingesting a source with a large amount of historical data (e.g, a several gigabyte Kafka topic that is no longer changing). With a compaction window of 60 seconds, for example, it is likely that the source will be fully ingested within the compaction window. By the time the data is eligible for compaction, the source is fully ingested, no new updates are arriving, and therefore no compaction is ever triggered.

If the increased memory usage is problematic, consider one of the following solutions:


To minimize the chances that Materialize runs out of memory in a production environment, we recommend you make additional memory available to Materialize via a SSD-backed swap file or swap partition.

This is particularly important in Linux and in Docker, where swap may not be automatically set up for you.


By default, a container has no resource constraints and can use as much memory and swap as the host allows, unless you have overridden this with the --memory or the --memory-swap flags.


Most cloud Linux distributions do not enable swap by default. However, you can enable it quite easily with the following steps.

  1. Create a swapfile using the fallocate command.

    The general syntax is: fallocate -l <swap size> filename. For a 1GB swap file, for example:

    sudo fallocate -l 1G /swapfile
  2. Make the swap file only accessible to root:

    chmod 600 /swapfile
  3. Mark the file as swap space:

    mkswap /swapfile
  4. Enable the swap file:

    swapon /swapfile
  5. Verify the swap is available:

    swapon --show
    /swapfile file   1G  0M   -2
  6. Optional. To make the swap file permanent, add an entry for it to /etc/fstab:

    cat '/swapfile none swap sw 0 0' >> /etc/fstab