Materialize Documentation
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You can use the queries below for spot debugging, but it may also be helpful to make them more permanent tools by creating them as views for TAILing or materialized views to read more efficiently. Note that the existence of these additional views may itself affect performance.

How fast are my sources loading data?

You can count the number of records accepted in a materialized source or view. Note that this makes less sense for a non-materialized source or view, as invoking it will create a new dataflow and run it to the point that it is caught up with its sources; that elapsed time may be informative, but it tells you something other than how fast a collection is populated.

-- Report the number of records available from the materialization.
select count(*) from my_materialized_source_or_view;

This logging source indicates the upper frontier of materializations.

This source provides timestamp-based progress, which reveals not the volume of data, but how closely the contents track source timestamps.

-- For each materialization, the next timestamp to be added.
select * from mz_materialization_frontiers;

Why is Materialize running so slowly?

Materialize spends time in various dataflow operators maintaining materialized views. If Materialize is taking more time to update results than you expect, you can identify which operators take the largest total amount of time.

-- Extract raw elapsed time information, by worker
select,, mdo.worker, mse.elapsed_ns
from mz_scheduling_elapsed as mse,
     mz_dataflow_operators as mdo
where = and
    mse.worker = mdo.worker
order by elapsed_ns desc;
-- Extract raw elapsed time information, summed across workers
select,, sum(mse.elapsed_ns) as elapsed_ns
from mz_scheduling_elapsed as mse,
     mz_dataflow_operators as mdo
where = and
    mse.worker = mdo.worker
group by,
order by elapsed_ns desc;

Why is Materialize unresponsive for seconds at a time?

Materialize operators get scheduled and try to behave themselves by returning control promptly, but that doesn’t always happen. These queries reveal how many times each operator was scheduled for each power-of-two elapsed time: high durations indicate an event that took roughly that amount of time before it yielded, and incriminate the subject.

-- Extract raw scheduling histogram information, by worker.
select,, mdo.worker, msh.duration_ns, count
from mz_scheduling_histogram as msh,
     mz_dataflow_operators as mdo
where = and
    msh.worker = mdo.worker
order by msh.duration_ns desc;
-- Extract raw scheduling histogram information, summed across workers.
select,, msh.duration_ns, sum(msh.count) count
from mz_scheduling_histogram as msh,
     mz_dataflow_operators as mdo
where = and
    msh.worker = mdo.worker
group by,, msh.duration_ns
order by msh.duration_ns desc;

Why is Materialize using so much memory?

The majority of Materialize’s memory use is taken up by “arrangements”, which are differential dataflow structures that maintain indexes for data as it changes. These queries extract the numbers of records and batches backing each of the arrangements. The reported records may exceed the number of logical records; the report reflects the uncompacted state. The number of batches should be logarithmic-ish in this number, and anything significantly larger is probably a bug.

-- Extract arrangement records and batches, by worker.
select,, mdo.worker, mas.records, mas.batches
from mz_arrangement_sizes as mas,
     mz_dataflow_operators as mdo
    mas.operator = and
    mas.worker = mdo.worker
order by mas.records desc;
-- Extract arrangement records and batches, summed across workers.
select,, sum(mas.records) as records, sum(mas.batches) as batches
from mz_arrangement_sizes as mas,
     mz_dataflow_operators as mdo
    mas.operator = and
    mas.worker = mdo.worker
group by,
order by sum(mas.records) desc;

We’ve also bundled an interactive, web-based memory usage visualization tool to aid in debugging. The SQL queries above show all arrangements in Materialize (including system arrangements), whereas the memory visualization tool shows only user-created arrangements, grouped by dataflow. The amount of memory used by Materialize should correlate with the number of arrangement records that are displayed by either the visual interface or the SQL queries.

The memory usage visualization is available at http://<materialized host>:6875/memory.

Is work distributed equally across workers?

Work is distributed across workers by the hash of their keys. Thus, work can become skewed if situations arise where Materialize needs to use arrangements with very few or no keys. Example situations include:

Additionally, the operators that implement data sources may demonstrate skew, as they (currently) have a granularity determined by the source itself. For example, Kafka topic ingestion work can become skewed if most of the data is in only one out of multiple partitions.

-- Average the total time spent by each operator across all workers.
create view avg_elapsed_by_id as
    avg(elapsed_ns) as avg_ns
group by

-- Get operators where one worker has spent more than 2 times the average
-- amount of time spent. The number 2 can be changed according to the threshold
-- for the amount of skew deemed problematic.
    elapsed_ns/avg_ns as ratio
    mz_scheduling_elapsed mse,
    avg_elapsed_by_id aebi,
    mz_dataflow_operator_dataflows dod
where = and
    mse.elapsed_ns > 2 * aebi.avg_ns and = and
    mse.worker = dod.worker
order by ratio desc;

I found a problematic operator. Where did it come from?

Look up the operator in mz_dataflow_operator_addresses. If an operator has value x at position n, then it is part of the x subregion of the region defined by positions 0..n-1. The example SQL query and result below shows an operator whose id is 515 that belongs to “subregion 5 of region 1 of dataflow 21”.

select * from mz_dataflow_operator_addresses where id=515 and worker=0;
 id  | worker | address
 515 |      0 | {21,1,5}

Usually, it is only important to know the name of the dataflow a problematic operator comes from. Once the name is known, the dataflow can be correlated to an index or view in Materialize.

Each dataflow has an operator representing the entire dataflow. The address of said operator has only a single entry. For the example operator 515 above, you can find the name of the dataflow if you can find the name of the operator whose address is just “dataflow 21.”

-- get id and name of the operator representing the entirety of the dataflow
-- that a problematic operator comes from
SELECT as id, as name
    mz_dataflow_operator_addresses mdoa,
    -- source of operator names
    mz_dataflow_operators mdo,
    -- view containing operators representing entire dataflows
    (SELECT as dataflow_operator,
      mdoa.address[1] as dataflow_address
      mz_dataflow_operator_addresses mdoa
      mdoa.worker = 0
      AND list_length(mdoa.address) = 1) dataflows
    mdoa.worker = 0
    AND = <problematic_operator_id>
    AND mdoa.address[1] = dataflows.dataflow_address
    AND = dataflows.dataflow_operator
    AND mdo.worker = 0;

How much disk space is Materialize using?

To see how much disk space a Materialize installation is using, open a terminal and enter:

$ du -h -d 1 /path/to/materialize/mzdata

materialize is the directory for the Materialize installation, and materialize/mzdata is the directory where Materialize stores its log file and the system catalog.

The response lists the disk space for the data directory and any subdirectories:

2.8M	mzdata/persist
2.9M	mzdata

The mzdata directory is typically less than 10MB in size.

How many TAIL processes are running?

You can get the number of active TAIL processes in Materialize using the statement below, or another TAIL statement. Every time TAIL is invoked, a dataflow using the Dataflow: tail prefix is created.

-- Report the number of tails running
SELECT count(1) FROM (
    SELECT id
    FROM mz_dataflow_names
    WHERE substring(name, 0, 15) = 'Dataflow: tail'
    GROUP BY id