Materialize Documentation
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Run SQL on streaming logs

WARNING! This demo uses Docker images that are not compatible with ARM architectures. We are working on refactoring it to use multi-arch images.

tl;dr Materialize can extract meaningful data from logs in real time.

Servers, especially busy ones, can emit a vast amount of logging data. Given that logs are unstructured strings, it’s challenging to draw inferences from them. This inaccessibility often means that even though logs contain a lot of potential, teams don’t capitalize on them.

Materialize, though, offers the chance to extract and query data from your logs. An instance of materialized can continually read a log file, impose a structure on it, and then let you define views you want to maintain on that data—just as you would with any SQL table. This opens up new opportunities for both real-time business and operational analysis.


In this demo, we’ll look at parsing server logs for a mock e-commerce site, and extracting some business insights from them.

In the rest of this section, we’ll cover the “what” and “why” of our proposed deployment using Materialize to provide real-time log parsing.


Our primary source of data is the e-commerce site’s web server, which lets users search for and browse the company’s product pages.

A web server is a great place to aggregate logs because it represents users' primary point of contact with a company. This gives us many different dimensions of data among most, if not all, of our users.

In this example, we’ll be running one server, which pipes all of its output to a log file.

Load generator

This demo’s load generator simulates user traffic to the web browser—users can either:

The load generator simulates ~300 users/second at its highest, with ~10% of the users attritioning off the site.


Materialize presents an interface to ingest, parse, and query the server’s log files.

In this demo, Materialize…

We will connect to Materialize through psql.


Load generator <-HTTP-> Web server -> logs -> materialized <-SQL-> psql

Conceptual overview

Our overall goal in this demo is to take unstructured log files, impose structure on them through regex, and then perform queries to extract some analytical understanding of the logs' data.

In this section, we’ll cover the conceptual approach to this problem in Materialize, which includes:

  1. Understanding your logs' implicit structure.
  2. Imposing a structure on your logs using regex.
  3. Creating sources from your logs.
  4. Querying sources to extract insights from your logs.

In the next section Run the demo, we’ll have a chance to see some of these things in action.

Understand the logs' structure

Log files are often just strings of text delimited by newlines—this makes them difficult to use in a relational model. However, given that they’re formatted consistently, it’s possible to impose structure on the logs with regular expressions–which is exactly what we’ll do.

First, it’s important to understand what structure our logs have. Below is an example of a few lines from our web server’s log file: - - [28/Jan/2020 17:08:19] "GET /search/?kw=K8oN HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [28/Jan/2020 17:08:19] "GET /search HTTP/1.1" 308 - - - [28/Jan/2020 17:08:20] "GET /detail/HGwL HTTP/1.1" 200 -

We can see that some fields we might be interested in include:

Field Example
IP addresses
Timestamps 28/Jan/2020 17:08:19
Full page paths /search/?kw=K8oN
Search terms K8oN in GET /search/?kw=K8oN
Viewed product pages HGwL in GET /detail/HGwL
HTTP status code 200

Impose a structure with regex

Once we understand our logs' structure, we can formalize it with a regular expression. In this example, we’ll use named capture groups to generate columns (e.g. (?P<ip>...) creates a capture group named ip).

While you don’t necessarily need to understand the following regex, here’s an example of how we can structure the above logs:

(?P<ip>\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}) - - \[(?P<ts>[^]]+)\] "(?P<path>(?:GET /search/\?kw=(?P<search_kw>[^ ]*) HTTP/\d\.\d)|(?:GET /detail/(?P<product_detail_id>[a-zA-Z0-9]+) HTTP/\d\.\d)|(?:[^"]+))" (?P<code>\d{3}) -

In this regex, we’ve created the following columns:

Column Expresses
ip Users' IP address
ts Events' timestamp
path Paths where the event occurred
search_kw Keywords a user searched for
product_detail_id IDs used to differentiate each product
code HTTP codes

In Materialize, if a capture group isn’t filled by the input string, the row simply has a NULL value in the attendant column.

Create sources from logs

With our regex and logs in hand, we can create sources from our log files and impose a structure on them:

FROM FILE '/log/requests' WITH (tail = true)
FORMAT REGEX '(?P<ip>\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}) - - \[(?P<ts>[^]]+)\] "(?P<path>(?:GET /search/\?kw=(?P<search_kw>[^ ]*) HTTP/\d\.\d)|(?:GET /detail/(?P<product_detail_id>[a-zA-Z0-9]+) HTTP/\d\.\d)|(?:[^"]+))" (?P<code>\d{3}) -';

While you can find more details about this statement in CREATE SOURCES, here’s an explanation of the arguments:

Argument Function
requests The source’s name
/log/requests The location of the file
FORMAT REGEX '...' The regex that structures our logs and generates column names, which we’ve outlined in Impose structure with regex.
tail = true Indicates to Materialize that this file is dynamically updated and should be watched for new data.

In essence, what we’ve said here is that we want to continually read from the log file, and take each unseen string in it, and extract the columns we’ve specified in our regex.

After creating the source, we can validate that it’s structured like we expect with SHOW COLUMNS.

       name        | nullable |  type
 ip                | t        | text
 ts                | t        | text
 path              | t        | text
 search_kw         | t        | text
 product_detail_id | t        | text
 code              | t        | text
 mz_line_no        | f        | bigint
(7 rows)

This looks like we expect, so we’re good to move on.

Query the logs' source

After creating a source, we can create materialized views that depend on it to query the now-structured logs.

Looking at this structure, we can extract some inferences. For example, if we assume that each user arrives at our site from a unique IP address, getting a count of unique IP addresses can provide a count of users.

SELECT count(DISTINCT ip) FROM requests;

And then we can create a materialized view that embeds this query:

    SELECT count(DISTINCT ip) FROM requests;

From here, we can check the results of this view:

SELECT * FROM unique_visitors;

In a real environment, which we’ll see in just a second, these results get returned to us very quickly because Materialize stores the result set in memory.

Run the demo

Our demo has a setup script that spins up a fully working instance of Materialize that already reads and structures our log files (you can see the steps we take in demo/http_logs/cli/ So in this section, we’ll walk through spinning up the demo, and making sure that we see the things we expect. In a future iteration, we’ll make this demo more interactive.

Preparing the environment

  1. Set up Docker and Docker compose, if you haven’t already.

  2. Verify that you have Python 3 or greater installed.

    $ python3 --version
    Python 3.7.5
  3. Clone the Materialize demos GitHub repository and checkout the lts branch:

    git clone
    git checkout lts
  4. Move to the demos/http-logs directory:

    cd demos/http-logs

    You can also find the demo’s code on GitHub.

  5. Download and start all of the components we’ve listed above by running:

    docker-compose up -d

    Note that downloading the Docker images necessary for the demo can take quite a bit of time (upwards of 3 minutes, even on very fast connections).

Understanding sources & views

Now that our deployment is running (and looks like the diagram shown above), we can see that Materialize is ingesting the logs and structuring them. We’ll also get a chance to see how Materialize can handle queries on our data.

  1. Launch a new terminal window and cd demos/http_logs.

  2. Launch psql by running:

    docker-compose run cli
  3. Within psql, ensure you have all of the necessary sources, which represent all of the tables from MySQL:

    (1 row)

    This source was created using the CREATE SOURCE statement we wrote here.

  4. We can look at the structure of the requests source with SHOW COLUMNS:

    SHOW COLUMNS FROM requests;
           name        | nullable |  type
     ip                | t        | text
     ts                | t        | text
     path              | t        | text
     search_kw         | t        | text
     product_detail_id | t        | text
     code              | t        | text
     mz_line_no        | f        | bigint
    (7 rows)

    As you’ll remember, this is the structure we expected when creating a source from the logs.

  5. From here, we can create arbitrary queries from this structure. We’ve created a few views that represent some queries you might want to perform with this data.

    See the views we’ve created with SHOW VIEWS:

    (3 rows)
    View Description
    avg_dps_for_searcher Average number of detail pages viewed by users who search
    top_products Most commonly viewed product pages
    unique_visitors Count of unique visitors, determined by IP address
  6. To see the query that underlies a view, use SHOW CREATE VIEW:

    SHOW CREATE VIEW unique_visitors;

    From these results, we can see that the query that this view describes is:

        SELECT count(DISTINCT ip) FROM requests;
  7. To view the results of this query, run:

    SELECT * FROM unique_visitors;

    You’ll note that the result should come back pretty quickly.

    Run this query a few times to show that it continues to increase as the load generator uses more different IP addresses.

    Now that you’ve seen how this is done, feel free to explore the other views or use CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW to explore Materialize’s capabilities yourself.


In this demo, we saw: