Run the Materialize Emulator on Docker

The Materialize Emulator is an all-in-one Docker image available on Docker Hub, offering the fastest way to get hands-on experience with Materialize in a local environment.

  Materialize Emulator
The fastest option for prototyping or internal testing with Materialize.
Materialize's cloud hosted SaaS solution for critical operational workloads.
Production deployments ❌ Not suitable due to performance and license limitations. ✔️
Performance ❌ Limited. Services are bundled in a single container. ✔️ High. Services are scaled across many machines.
Dedicated Support ✔️
Sample data ✔️ Quickstart data source ✔️ Quickstart data source
Data sources ✔️ Connect using SQL configuration ✔️ Connect using a streamlined GUI
Version upgrades ✔️ Manual, with no data persistence ✔️ Automated, with data persistence
Use case isolation ✔️
Fault tolerance ✔️
Horizontal scalability ✔️
GUI (Materialize Console) ✔️ ✔️

Run the Materialize Emulator on Docker