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JOIN lets you combine two or more table expressions into a single table expression.

Conceptual framework

Much like an RDBMS, Materialize can join together any two table expressions (in our case, either sources or views) into a single table expression.

Materialize has much broader support for JOIN than most streaming platforms, i.e. we support all types of SQL joins in all of the conditions you would expect.



select_pred CROSS NATURAL join_type JOIN table_ref join_type JOIN table_ref USING ( col_ref , ) ON expression select_post




table_name LATERAL ( select_stmt ) table_func_call ( join_expr ) AS table_alias ( col_alias , )
Field Use
select_pred The predicating SELECT clauses you want to use, e.g. SELECT col_ref FROM table_ref.... The table_ref from the select_pred is the left-hand table.
NATURAL Join table expressions on all columns with the same names in both tables. This is similar to the USING clause naming all identically named columns in both tables.
LATERAL Let the following subquery or table function call refer to columns from join’s left-hand side. See LATERAL subqueries below.
join_type The type of JOIN you want to use (INNER is implied default).
select_stmt A SELECT statement.
table_ref The table expression you want to join, i.e. the right-hand table.
table_func_call A call to a table function.
USING ( col_ref… ) If the join condition does not require table-level qualification (i.e. joining tables on columns with the same name), the columns to join the tables on. For example, USING (customer_id).
ON expression The condition on which to join the tables. For example ON purchase.customer_id =
select_pred The remaining SELECT clauses you want to use, e.g. ...WHERE expr GROUP BY col_ref HAVING expr.

Note: It’s possible to join together table expressions as inner joins without using this clause whatsoever, e.g. SELECT cols... FROM t1, t2 WHERE t1.x = t2.x GROUP BY cols...


Unlike most other streaming platforms, JOINs in Materialize have very few, if any, restrictions. For example, Materialize:

Instead, JOINs work over the available history of both streams, which ultimately provides an experience more similar to an RDBMS than other streaming platforms.

LATERAL subqueries

New in v0.4.1.

To permit subqueries on the right-hand side of a JOIN to access the columns defined by the left-hand side, declare the subquery as LATERAL. Normally, a subquery only has access to the columns within its own context.

Table function invocations always have implicit access to the columns defined by the left-hand side of the join, so declaring them as LATERAL is a permitted no-op.

When a join contains a LATERAL cross-reference, the right-hand relation is recomputed for each row in the left-hand relation, then joined to the left-hand row according to the usual rules of the selected join type.

WARNING! LATERAL subqueries can be very expensive to compute. For best results, do not materialize a view containing a LATERAL subquery without first inspecting the plan via the EXPLAIN statement. In many common patterns involving LATERAL joins, Materialize can optimize away the join entirely.

As a simple example, the following query uses LATERAL to count from 1 to x for all the values of x in xs.

  (VALUES (1), (3)) xs (x)
  CROSS JOIN LATERAL generate_series(1, x) y;
 x | y
 1 | 1
 3 | 1
 3 | 2
 3 | 3

For a real-world example of a LATERAL subquery, see the Top-K by group idiom.


For these examples, we’ll use a small data set:


 id |  name
  1 | Frank
  2 | Arjun
  3 | Nikhil
  4 | Cuong


 id | name  | manages
  1 | Arjun |       4
  2 | Cuong |       3
  3 | Frank |

In this table:

Inner join

Inner joins return all tuples from both tables where the join condition is valid.

inner join diagram

  employees."name" AS employee,
  managers."name" AS manager
FROM employees
INNER JOIN managers ON = managers.manages;
 employee | manager
 Cuong    | Arjun
 Nikhil   | Cuong

Left outer join

Left outer joins (also known as left joins) return all tuples from the left-hand-side table, and all tuples from the right-hand-side table that match the join condition. Tuples on from the left-hand table that are not joined with a tuple from the right-hand table contain NULL wherever the right-hand table is referenced.

left outer join diagram

  employees."name" AS employee,
  managers."name" AS manager
FROM employees
LEFT OUTER JOIN managers ON = managers.manages;
 employee | manager
 Cuong    | Arjun
 Nikhil   | Cuong
 Arjun    |
 Frank    |

Right outer join

Right outer joins (also known as right joins) are simply the right-hand-side equivalent of left outer joins.

Right outer joins return all tuples from the right-hand-side table, and all tuples from the left-hand-side table that match the join condition. Tuples on from the right-hand table that are not joined with a tuple from the left-hand table contain NULL wherever the left-hand table is referenced.

right outer join diagram

  employees."name" AS employee,
  managers."name" AS manager
FROM employees
RIGHT OUTER JOIN managers ON = managers.manages;
 employee | manager
 Cuong    | Arjun
 Nikhil   | Cuong
          | Frank

Full outer join

Full outer joins perform both a left outer join and a right outer join. They return all tuples from both tables, and join them together where the join conditions are met.

Tuples that are not joined with the other table contain NULL wherever the other table is referenced.

full outer join diagram

  employees."name" AS employee,
  managers."name" AS manager
FROM employees
FULL OUTER JOIN managers ON = managers.manages;
 employee | manager
 Cuong    | Arjun
 Nikhil   | Cuong
          | Frank
 Arjun    |
 Frank    |

Cross join

Cross joins return the Cartesian product of the two tables, i.e. all combinations of tuples from the left-hand table combined with tuples from the right-hand table.

cross join diagram

Our example dataset doesn’t have a meaningful cross-join query, but the above diagram shows how cross joins form the Cartesian product.