
Role-based access control (RBAC) 🔒

Sep 1, 2023

We’ve rolled out role-based access control (RBAC) so you (well, an admin) can define a hierarchy of roles and permissions for your organization. If you’re familiar with how RBAC works in PostgreSQL, Materialize largely follows the same principles — check the documentation for a refresher!

Say you want to onboard a Data Science team to your Materialize organization, but this team should only have access to a specific namespace and dedicated compute resources:

-- Create a role through which Data Science team members can inherit a specific
-- set of privileges
CREATE ROLE data_scientist;

-- Grant the Data Science team members the data_scientist role
GRANT data_scientist TO "", "";

-- Create a dedicated namespace and spin up some compute resources for Data
-- Science team work
CREATE DATABASE actual_science;
CREATE CLUSTER for_science (SIZE = '3xsmall');

-- Grant the data_scientist role free reign over the actual_science database and
-- the for_science cluster
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE actual_science TO data_scientist;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON CLUSTER for_science TO data_scientist;

-- If a Data Science team member ever tries to do science elsewhere...
-- (e.g. running as
SELECT AVG(speed) FROM not_science.public.asteroids;
ERROR:  permission denied for TABLE "not_science.public.asteroids"

Pretty standard, huh?

RBAC is also supported in the Materialize Terraform provider (v0.0.9+). If you’re using Terraform to manage region-level resources like connections, sources, sinks and others, you can now also manage roles, object ownership and permissions in an automated, source-controlled way.

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