Note: Because this feature is in Private Preview, you’ll need to ping our team on Slack to get early access. 🖖
If you’re streaming data into Materialize from an Amazon MSK cluster, you now have the option to authenticate using an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role! Here’s how:
Create an AWS connection to allow Materialize to securely authenticate with your Amazon MSK cluster.
-- Replace <account-id> with the 12-digit number that identifies your AWS -- account, and <role> with the name of the IAM role you want Materialize to -- assume. CREATE CONNECTION aws_msk TO AWS ( ASSUME ROLE ARN = 'arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/<role>' );
Validate the connection, to double-check that you didn’t miss any IAM configuration steps.
Create a Kafka connection with the access and authentication details for your Amazon MSK cluster, and use the AWS connection you just created.
CREATE CONNECTION kafka_msk TO KAFKA ( BROKER '', -- To use IAM authentication, the security protocol must be -- SASL_PLAINTEXT or SASL_SSL. SECURITY PROTOCOL = 'SASL_SSL', AWS CONNECTION = aws_msk );
Depending on your security architecture, you can also use AWS IAM authentication in combination with PrivateLink connections. And yes — this feature is already supported in the Materialize Terraform provider (v0.8.7+)! 👾