The Operational Data Warehouse

Trusted by teams to deliver fresh, correct results.

Air AiCenterfieldVontiveEndgameCraneGeneral MillsRampPluralsightSuperscriptNanitVori

How do you operate with the freshest data available?

Read: Uses and Abuses of Data Warehouses  →

Serve any use case that needs fresh and consistent data

Automation and Alerting

Automation and Alerting

Real-time Fraud Detection

Real-time Fraud Detection

User-Facing Apps and Features

User-Facing Apps and Features

Real-Time Customer Data Platforms

Real-Time Customer Data Platforms

ML and AI Serving

ML and AI Serving

Built to deliver trust, scale, and ease




By moving SQL models for fraud detection from an analytics warehouse to Materialize, Ramp cut lag from hours to seconds, stopped 60% more fraud and reduced the infra costs by 10x.

Ryan Delgado
Ryan Delgado Staff Software Engineer, Data Platform - Ramp

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Operationalize Your Data Stack

Model SQL in dbt

Model SQL in dbt

Query like it's PostgreSQL

Query like it's PostgreSQL

Manage in Terraform

Manage in Terraform

Deliver real time with Kafka

Deliver real time with Kafka

Start taking action on up-to-the-second data