
You can use Debezium to propagate Change Data Capture (CDC) data to Materialize from databases that are not supported via native connectors. For PostgreSQL and MySQL databases, we strongly recommend using the native PostgreSQL and MySQL sources instead.

Database Natively supported? Integration guide
SQL Server Kafka + Debezium
Oracle Kafka + Debezium
MongoDB Kafka + Debezium

Using Debezium

For databases that are not yet natively supported, like Oracle, SQL Server, or MongoDB, you can use Debezium to propagate Change Data Capture (CDC) data to Materialize.

NOTE: Currently, Materialize only supports Avro-encoded Debezium records. If you're interested in JSON support, please reach out in the community Slack or submit a feature request.

Debezium captures row-level changes resulting from INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations in the upstream database and publishes them as events to Kafka (and other Kafka API-compatible brokers) using Kafka Connect-compatible connectors. For more details on CDC support in Materialize, check the Kafka source reference documentation.

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