Materialize CLI

The Materialize command-line interface (CLI), lets you interact with Materialize from your terminal.

You can use mz to:

  • Enable new regions
  • Run SQL commands against a region
  • Create app passwords
  • Securely manage secrets
  • Invite new users to your organization

Getting started

  1. Install mz:

    # On macOS:
    brew install materializeinc/materialize/mz
    # On Ubuntu/Debian:
    curl -fsSL | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/materialize.sources
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install materialize-cli

    See Installation for additional installation options.

  2. Log in to your Materialize account:

    mz profile init

    mz will attempt to launch your web browser and ask you to log in.

    See Configuration for alternative configuration methods.

  3. Show enabled regions in your organization:

    $ mz region list
    aws/us-east-1  enabled
    aws/eu-west-1  disabled
  4. Launch a SQL shell connected to one of the enabled regions in your organization:

    $ mz sql
    Authenticated using profile 'default'.
    Connected to the quickstart cluster.
    psql (14.2)
    Type "help" for help.

    You can use the --region=aws/us-east-1 flag with the name of an enabled region in your organization. If you don’t yet have an enabled region, use mz region enable to enable one.

Command reference

Command Description
app-password Manage app passwords for your user account.
config Manage configuration for mz.
profile Manage authentication profiles for mz.
region Manage regions in your organization.
secret Manage secrets in a region.
sql Execute SQL statements in a region.
user Manage users in your organization.

Global flags

These flags can be used with any command and may be intermixed with any command-specific flags.

Argument Environment variables Description
‑‑config MZ_CONFIG Set the configuration file.
Default: $HOME/.config/materialize/mz.toml.
‑f, ‑‑format MZ_FORMAT Set the output format: text , json, or csv.
Default: text.
‑‑no‑color NO_COLOR, MZ_NO_COLOR Disable color output.
‑‑help Display help and exit.
‑‑version Display version and exit.
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