mz_aclitem type

mz_aclitem data expresses a granted privilege on some object.

mz_aclitem info

Detail Info
Size 26 bytes
Catalog name mz_catalog.mz_aclitem
OID 16566


mz_aclitem represents a privilege granted to some user on some object. The format of mz_aclitem is <grantee>=<privileges>/<grantor>.

  • <grantee> is the role ID of the role that has some privilege.
  • <privileges> is the abbreviation of the privileges that grantee has concatenated together.
  • <grantor> is the role ID of the role that granted the privileges.

A list of all privileges and their abbreviations are below:

Privilege Description Abbreviation Applicable Object Types
SELECT Allows reading rows from an object. r(”read”) Table, View, Materialized View, Source
INSERT Allows inserting into an object. a(”append”) Table
UPDATE Allows updating an object (requires SELECT if a read is necessary). w(”write”) Table
DELETE Allows deleting from an object (requires SELECT if a read is necessary). d Table
CREATE Allows creating a new object within another object. C Database, Schema, Cluster
USAGE Allows using an object or looking up members of an object. U Database, Schema, Connection, Secret, Cluster
CREATEROLE Allows creating, altering, deleting roles and the ability to grant and revoke role membership. R(“Role”) System
CREATEDB Allows creating databases. B(“dataBase”) System
CREATECLUSTER Allows creating clusters. N(“compute Node”) System

The CREATEROLE privilege is very powerful. It allows roles to grant and revoke membership in other roles, even if it doesn’t have explicit membership in those roles. As a consequence, any role with this privilege can obtain the privileges of any other role in the system.

If a mz_aclitem is casted to text, the role IDs are automatically converted to role names.

Valid casts

For details about casting, including contexts, see Functions: Cast.

From To Required context
mz_aclitem text Explicit

Valid operations

There are no supported operations or functions on mz_aclitem types.

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