Webhooks quickstart

Webhook sources let your applications push webhook events into Materialize. This quickstart uses an embedded webhook event generator that makes it easier for you to learn and prototype with no external dependencies.

Before you begin

All you need is a Materialize account. If you already have one — great! If not, sign up for a free trial account first.

When you’re ready, head over to the Materialize console, and pop open the SQL Shell.

Step 1. Create a secret

To validate requests between the webhook event generator and Materialize, you need a secret:

CREATE SECRET demo_webhook AS '<secret_value>';

Change the <secret_value> to a unique value that only you know and store it in a secure location.

Step 2. Set up a webhook source

Using the secret from the previous step, create a webhook source to ingest data from the webhook event generator. By default, the source will be created in the current cluster.

    WITH (
      BODY AS request_body,
      SECRET demo_webhook AS validation_secret
    -- The constant_time_eq validation function **does not support** fully
    -- qualified secret names. We recommend always aliasing the secret name
    -- for ease of use.
    constant_time_eq(headers->'x-api-key', validation_secret)

After a successful run, the command returns a NOTICE message containing the unique webhook URL that allows you to POST events to the source. Copy and store it. You will need it for the next step.

Step 3. Generate webhook events

The webhook event generator uses Faker.js under the covers, which means you can use any of the supported modules to shape the events.

In the SQL Shell, validate that the source is ingesting data:

SELECT jsonb_pretty(body) AS body FROM webhook_demo LIMIT 1;

As an example, if you use the Sensor data module of the webhook event generator, the data will look like:

  "location": {
    "latitude": 6,
    "longitude": 0
  "sensor_id": 48,
  "temperature": 89.38,
  "timestamp": "2029-10-07T10:44:13.456Z"

Step 4. Parse JSON

Manually parsing JSON-formatted data in SQL can be tedious. 🫠 You can use the widget below to automatically turn a sample JSON payload into a parsing view with the individual fields mapped to columns.

Target object type

Webhook data is ingested as a JSON blob. We recommend creating a parsing view on top of your webhook source that uses jsonb operators to map the individual fields to columns with the required data types. Using the previous example:

CREATE VIEW webhook_demo_parsed AS SELECT
    (body->'location'->>'latitude')::numeric AS location_latitude,
    (body->'location'->>'longitude')::numeric AS location_longitude,
    (body->>'sensor_id')::numeric AS sensor_id,
    (body->>'temperature')::numeric AS temperature,
    try_parse_monotonic_iso8601_timestamp(body->>'timestamp') AS timestamp
FROM webhook_demo;

Step 5. Subscribe to see the output

To see results change over time, let’s SUBSCRIBE to the webhook_demo_parsed view:


You’ll see results change as new webhook events are ingested. When you’re done, cancel out of the SUBSCRIBE using Stop streaming.

Step 6. Clean up

Once you’re done exploring the generated webhook data, remember to clean up your environment:


DROP SECRET demo_webhook;

Next steps

To get started with your own data, check out the reference documentation for the webhook source.

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