COPY TO outputs results from Materialize to standard output or object storage. This command is useful to output SUBSCRIBE results to stdout, or perform bulk exports to Amazon S3.

Copy to stdout

Copying results to stdout is useful to output the stream of updates from a SUBSCRIBE command in interactive SQL clients like psql.


COPY ( query ) TO STDOUT WITH ( field val , )
Field Use
query The SELECT or SUBSCRIBE query to output results for.
field The name of the option you want to set.
val The value for the option.

WITH options

Name Values Default value Description
FORMAT TEXT,BINARY, CSV TEXT Sets the output formatting method.


Subscribing to a view with binary output


Copy to Amazon S3

PREVIEW This feature is in private preview. It is under active development and may have stability or performance issues. It isn't subject to our backwards compatibility guarantees.

You must contact us to enable this feature in your Materialize region.

Copying results to Amazon S3 (or S3-compatible services) is useful to perform tasks like periodic backups for auditing, or downstream processing in analytical data warehouses like Snowflake, Databricks or BigQuery. For step-by-step instructions, see the integration guide for Amazon S3.

The COPY TO command is one-shot: every time you want to export results, you must run the command. To automate exporting results on a regular basis, you can set up scheduling, for example using a simple cron-like service or an orchestration platform like Airflow or Dagster.


COPY query object_name TO s3_uri ( WITH AWS CONNECTION connection_name , FORMAT csv parquet , field val )
Field Use
query The SELECT query to copy results out for.
object_name The name of the object to copy results out for.
AWS CONNECTION connection_name The name of the AWS connection to use in the COPY TO command. For details on creating connections, check the CREATE CONNECTION documentation page.
s3_uri The unique resource identifier (URI) of the Amazon S3 bucket (and prefix) to store the output results in.
FORMAT The file format to write.
field The name of the option you want to set.
val The value for the option.

WITH options

Name Values Default value Description
MAX FILE SIZE integer Sets the approximate maximum file size (in bytes) of each file uploaded to the S3 bucket.

Supported formats


Syntax: FORMAT = 'csv'

By default, Materialize writes CSV files using the following writer settings:

Setting Value
delimiter ,
quote "
escape "
header false


Syntax: FORMAT = 'parquet'

Materialize writes Parquet files that aim for maximum compatibility with downstream systems. By default, the following Parquet writer settings are used:

Setting Value
Writer version 1.0
Compression snappy
Default column encoding Dictionary
Fallback column encoding Plain
Dictionary page encoding Plain
Dictionary data page encoding RLE_DICTIONARY

If you run into a snag trying to ingest Parquet files produced by Materialize into your downstream systems, please contact our team or open a bug report!

Data types

Materialize converts the values in the result set to Apache Arrow, and then serializes this Arrow representation to Parquet. The Arrow schema is embedded in the Parquet file metadata and allows reconstructing the Arrow representation using a compatible reader.

Materialize also includes Parquet LogicalType annotations where possible. However, many newer LogicalType annotations are not supported in the 1.0 writer version.

Materialize also embeds its own type information into the Apache Arrow schema. The field metadata in the schema contains an ARROW:extension:name annotation to indicate the Materialize native type the field originated from.

Materialize type Arrow extension name Arrow type Parquet primitive type Parquet logical type
bigint materialize.v1.bigint int64 INT64
boolean materialize.v1.boolean bool BOOLEAN
bytea materialize.v1.bytea large_binary BYTE_ARRAY
date date32 INT32 DATE
double precision materialize.v1.double float64 DOUBLE
integer materialize.v1.integer int32 INT32
jsonb materialize.v1.jsonb large_utf8 BYTE_ARRAY
map map (struct with fields keys and values) Nested MAP
list materialize.v1.list list Nested
numeric materialize.v1.numeric decimal128[38, 10 or max-scale] FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY DECIMAL
real materialize.v1.real float32 FLOAT
smallint materialize.v1.smallint int16 INT32 INT(16, true)
text materialize.v1.text utf8 or large_utf8 BYTE_ARRAY STRING
time materialize.v1.time time64[nanosecond] INT64 TIME[isAdjustedToUTC = false, unit = NANOS]
uint2 materialize.v1.uint2 uint16 INT32 INT(16, false)
uint4 materialize.v1.uint4 uint32 INT32 INT(32, false)
uint8 materialize.v1.uint8 uint64 INT64 INT(64, false)
timestamp materialize.v1.timestamp time64[microsecond] INT64 TIMESTAMP[isAdjustedToUTC = false, unit = MICROS]
timestamp with time zone materialize.v1.timestampz time64[microsecond] INT64 TIMESTAMP[isAdjustedToUTC = true, unit = MICROS]
Arrays ([]) materialize.v1.array struct with list field items and uint8 field dimensions Nested
uuid materialize.v1.uuid fixed_size_binary(16) FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY
oid Unsupported
interval Unsupported
record Unsupported


COPY some_view TO 's3://mz-to-snow/parquet/'
    AWS CONNECTION = aws_role_assumption,
    FORMAT = 'parquet'
COPY some_view TO 's3://mz-to-snow/csv/'
    AWS CONNECTION = aws_role_assumption,
    FORMAT = 'csv'


The privileges required to execute this statement are:

  • USAGE privileges on the schemas that all relations and types in the query are contained in.
  • SELECT privileges on all relations in the query.
    • NOTE: if any item is a view, then the view owner must also have the necessary privileges to execute the view definition. Even if the view owner is a superuser, they still must explicitly be granted the necessary privileges.
  • USAGE privileges on all types used in the query.
  • USAGE privileges on the active cluster.
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