Redpanda Cloud

This guide goes through the required steps to connect Materialize to a Redpanda Cloud cluster. If you already have a Redpanda Cloud cluster up and running, skip straight to Step 2.

💡 Tip: For help getting started with your own data, you can schedule a free guided trial.

Step 1. Create a Redpanda Cloud cluster


Once created, provisioning a Dedicated Redpanda Cloud cluster can take up to 40 minutes.

Serverless clusters are provisioned in a few minutes.

  1. Sign in to the Redpanda Cloud console.

  2. Create a new namespace or select an existing one where you want to create the cluster.

  3. Choose the type of cluster you want to create.

  4. Enter a cluster name, and specify the rest of the settings based on your needs.

  5. Click Next and select the network settings for your cluster.

  6. Next, click Create to create the cluster.

Step 2. Create a user

  1. Navigate to the Redpanda Cloud console.

  2. Choose the Redpanda cluster you created in Step 1.

  3. Click on the Security tab.

  4. In the Security section, choose Create User.

  5. Specify a name and a password along with the SASL Mechanism for the user and click Create.

Take note of the user you just created, as well as the password and the SASL Mechanism you chose; you’ll need them later on. Keep in mind that the password contains sensitive information, and you should store it somewhere safe!

Step 3. Create an Access Control List

  1. Next, still in the Security section, click on the ACL tab.

  2. Click Add ACL,

  3. Choose the User you just created.

  4. Choose the Read and Write permissions for the Topics section.

  5. You can grant access on a per-topic basis, but you can also choose to grant access to all topics by adding a * in the Topics ID input field.

  6. Click Create.

Step 5. Create a topic

To start using Materialize with Redpanda, you need to point it to an existing Redpanda topic you want to read data from. If the topic you want to ingest already exists, you can skip this step.

Otherwise, you can install Redpanda Keeper (aka rpk) on the client machine from the previous step to create a topic. For guidance on how to use rpk, check the Redpanda documentation.

Step 6. Start ingesting data

Now that you’ve configured your Redpanda cluster, you can start ingesting data into Materialize. The exact steps depend on your networking configuration, so start by selecting the relevant option.

  1. Open the Redpanda Cloud console and select your cluster.

  2. Click on Overview

  3. Copy the URL under Cluster hosts. This will be your <redpanda-broker-url> going forward.

  4. In the Materialize SQL shell, or your preferred SQL client, create a connection with your Redpanda Cloud cluster access and authentication details using the CREATE CONNECTION command:

      -- The credentials of your Redpanda Cloud user.
      CREATE SECRET redpanda_username AS '<your-username>';
      CREATE SECRET redpanda_password AS '<your-password>';
      CREATE CONNECTION rp_connection TO KAFKA (
          BROKER '<redpanda-broker-url>',
          SASL MECHANISMS = 'SCRAM-SHA-256', -- The SASL mechanism you chose in Step 2.
          SASL USERNAME = SECRET redpanda_username,
          SASL PASSWORD = SECRET redpanda_password
  5. Use the CREATE SOURCE command to connect Materialize to your Redpanda Cloud cluster and start ingesting data from your target topic. By default, the source will be created in the active cluster; to use a different cluster, use the IN CLUSTER clause.

    CREATE SOURCE rp_source
      -- The topic you want to read from.
      FROM KAFKA CONNECTION redpanda_cloud (TOPIC '<topic-name>')

    If the command executes without an error and outputs CREATE SOURCE, it means that you have successfully connected Materialize to your Redpanda cluster.

This example walked through creating a source, which is a way of connecting Materialize to an external data source. We created a connection to Redpanda Cloud using SASL authentication and credentials securely stored as secrets in Materialize’s secret management system. For input formats, we used JSON, but you can also ingest Kafka messages formatted in e.g. Avro and Protobuf. You can find more details about the various different supported formats and possible configurations in the reference documentation.

AWS PrivateLink lets you connect Materialize to your Redpanda Cloud instance without exposing traffic to the public internet. To use AWS PrivateLink, your Redpanda cluster must be deployed in a region supported by Materialize: us-east-1,us-west-2, or eu-west-1.

  1. Enable PrivateLink in your Redpanda Cloud cluster.

    Alter your cluster to enable PrivateLink with an empty allowed_principals field using the template script below. Make sure to record the PrivateLink service name.

    Note: This can take up to 15 minutes. You can re-run the script (or just the GET request) periodically until it resolves.

      curl -s -X POST '' \
             -H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
             -d grant_type=client_credentials \
             -d client_id=$CLOUD_CLIENT_ID \
             -d client_secret=$CLOUD_CLIENT_SECRET \
             -d | jq .access_token | sed 's/"//g'
       "aws_private_link": {
         "enabled": true,
         "allowed_principals": [ ]
    curl -X PATCH \
       -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
       -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" \
       -d "$CLUSTER_PATCH_BODY" \
    curl -X GET \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" \
        $PUBLIC_API_ENDPOINT/v1beta2/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID | jq \
  2. In the Materialize SQL shell, or your preferred SQL client, create a PrivateLink connection using the service name from the previous step. Be sure to specify all availability zones of your Redpanda Cloud cluster.

      SERVICE NAME '',
      AVAILABILITY ZONES ('use1-az4','use1-az1','use1-az2')
  3. Retrieve the AWS principal for the AWS PrivateLink connection you just created:

    SELECT principal
    FROM mz_aws_privatelink_connections plc
    JOIN mz_connections c ON =
    WHERE = 'rp_privatelink';

  4. Patch your Redpanda Cloud cluster to accept connections from the AWS principal:

    curl -s -X POST '' \
           -H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
           -d grant_type=client_credentials \
           -d client_id=$CLOUD_CLIENT_ID \
           -d client_secret=$CLOUD_CLIENT_SECRET \
           -d | jq .access_token | sed 's/"//g'
       "aws_private_link": {
         "enabled": true,
         "allowed_principals": ["$MATERIALIZE_CONNECTION_ARN"]
    curl -X PATCH \
       -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
       -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" \
       -d "$CLUSTER_PATCH_BODY" \
  5. In Materialize, validate the AWS PrivateLink connection you created using the VALIDATE CONNECTION command:

    VALIDATE CONNECTION rp_privatelink;

    If no validation error is returned, move to the next step.

    This can take several minutes, and report errors like Error: Endpoint cannot be discovered while the policies are being updated and the endpoint resources are being re-evaluated. If the validation errors persist for longer than 10 minutes, double-check the ARNs and service names and contact our team.

  6. Finally, create a connection to your Redpanda Cloud cluster using the AWS Privatelink connection you created earlier:

    -- The credentials of your Redpanda Cloud user.
    CREATE SECRET redpanda_username AS '<your-username>';
    CREATE SECRET redpanda_password AS '<your-password>';
    CREATE CONNECTION rp_connection TO KAFKA (
        AWS PRIVATELINK rp_privatelink (PORT 30292)
        SASL MECHANISMS = 'SCRAM-SHA-256', -- The SASL mechanism you chose in Step 2.
        SASL USERNAME = SECRET redpanda_username,
        SASL PASSWORD = SECRET redpanda_password
    CREATE SOURCE rp_source
      -- The topic you want to read from.
      FROM KAFKA CONNECTION redpanda_cloud (TOPIC '<topic-name>')

This example walked through creating a source, which is a way of connecting Materialize to an external data source. We created a connection to Redpanda Cloud using AWS PrivateLink and credentials securely stored as secrets in Materialize’s secret management system. For input formats, we used JSON, but you can also ingest Redpanda messages formatted in e.g. Avro and Protobuf. You can find more details about the various different supported formats and possible configurations in the reference documentation.

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