CockroachDB CDC using Kafka and Changefeeds

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Change Data Capture (CDC) allows you to track and propagate changes in a CockroachDB database to downstream consumers. In this guide, we’ll cover how to use Materialize to create and efficiently maintain real-time views with incrementally updated results on top of CockroachDB CDC data.

A. Configure CockroachDB

1. Enable rangefeeds

As a first step, you must ensure rangefeeds are enabled in your CockroachDB instance so you can create changefeeds for the tables you want to replicate to Materialize.

  1. As a user with the admin role, enable the kv.rangefeed.enabled cluster setting:

    SET CLUSTER SETTING kv.rangefeed.enabled = true;

2. Configure per-table changefeeds

Changefeeds capture row-level changes resulting from INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations against CockroachDB tables and publish them as events to Kafka (or other Kafka API-compatible broker). You can then use the Kafka source to consume these changefeed events into Materialize, making the data available for transformation.

  1. Create a changefeed for each table you want to replicate:

      INTO 'kafka://broker:9092'
      WITH format = avro,
        confluent_schema_registry = 'http://registry:8081',
        envelope = wrapped

    We recommend creating changefeeds using the Avro format (format = avro) and the default diff envelope (envelope = wrapped), which is compatible with the message format Materialize expects. Each table will produce data to a dedicated Kafka topic, which can then be consumed by Materialize.

For detailed instructions on configuring your CockroachDB instance for CDC, refer to the CockroachDB documentation.

B. Ingest data in Materialize

1. (Optional) Create a cluster

NOTE: If you are prototyping and already have a cluster to host your Kafka source (e.g. quickstart), you can skip this step. For production scenarios, we recommend separating your workloads into multiple clusters for resource isolation.

In Materialize, a cluster is an isolated environment, similar to a virtual warehouse in Snowflake. When you create a cluster, you choose the size of its compute resource allocation based on the work you need the cluster to do, whether ingesting data from a source, computing always-up-to-date query results, serving results to external clients, or a combination.

In this step, you’ll create a dedicated cluster for ingesting source data from topics in your Kafka (or Kafka-API compatible) broker.

  1. In the SQL Shell, or your preferred SQL client connected to Materialize, use the CREATE CLUSTER command to create the new cluster:

    CREATE CLUSTER ingest_kafka (SIZE = '100cc');
    SET CLUSTER = ingest_kafka;

    A cluster of size 100cc should be enough to accommodate multiple Kafka sources, depending on the source characteristics (e.g., sources with ENVELOPE UPSERT or ENVELOPE DEBEZIUM will be more memory-intensive) and the upstream traffic patterns. You can readjust the size of the cluster at any time using the ALTER CLUSTER command:

    ALTER CLUSTER <cluster_name> SET ( SIZE = <new_size> );

2. Start ingesting data

Now that you’ve created an ingestion cluster, you can connect Materialize to your Kafka broker and start ingesting data. The exact steps depend on your authentication and networking configurations, so refer to the CREATE CONNECTION documentation for further guidance.

  1. In the SQL Shell, or your preferred SQL client connected to Materialize, use the CREATE SECRET command to securely store the credentials to connect to your Kafka broker and, optionally, schema registry:

    CREATE SECRET kafka_ssl_key AS '<BROKER_SSL_KEY>';
    CREATE SECRET kafka_ssl_crt AS '<BROKER_SSL_CRT>';
    CREATE SECRET csr_password AS '<CSR_PASSWORD>';
  2. Use the CREATE CONNECTION command to create a connection object with access and authentication details for Materialize to use:

    CREATE CONNECTION kafka_connection TO KAFKA (
      BROKER '<host>',
      SSL KEY = SECRET kafka_ssl_key,
      SSL CERTIFICATE = SECRET kafka_ssl_crt

    If you’re using a schema registry, create an additional connection object:

      URL '<csr_url>',
      SSL KEY = SECRET csr_ssl_key,
      SSL CERTIFICATE = SECRET csr_ssl_crt,
      USERNAME = 'foo',
      PASSWORD = SECRET csr_password
  3. Use the CREATE SOURCE command to connect Materialize to your Kafka broker and start ingesting data from the target topic:

    CREATE SOURCE kafka_repl
      IN CLUSTER ingest_kafka
      FROM KAFKA CONNECTION kafka_connection (TOPIC 'my_table')
      -- CockroachDB's default envelope structure for changefeed messages is
      -- compatible with the Debezium format, so you can use ENVELOPE DEBEZIUM
      -- to interpret the data.

    By default, the source will be created in the active cluster; to use a different cluster, use the IN CLUSTER clause.

3. Monitor the ingestion status

When a new source is created, Materialize performs a sync of all data available in the upstream Kafka topic before it starts ingesting new data — an operation known as snapshotting. Because the initial snapshot is persisted in the storage layer atomically (i.e., at the same ingestion timestamp), you will not able to query the source until snapshotting is complete.

In this step, you’ll monitor the progress of the initial snapshot using the observability features in the Materialize Console.

  1. If not already logged in, log in to the Materialize Console.

  2. Navigate to Monitoring > Sources and click through to the source you created in the previous step. In the source overview page, you will see a progress bar with the status and progress of the snapshot.

  3. For the duration of the snapshotting operation, the source status will show as Snapshotting. Once the source status transitions from Snapshotting to Running, the source is ready for querying and you can move on to the next step.

    If the source fails to transition to this state, check the ingestion troubleshooting guide.

4. Create a view

A view saves a query under a name to provide a shorthand for referencing the query. During view creation, the underlying query is not executed.

CREATE VIEW cnt_table1 AS
    SELECT field1,
           COUNT(*) AS cnt
    FROM kafka_repl
    GROUP BY field1;

5. Create an index on the view

In Materialize, indexes on views compute and, as new data arrives, incrementally update view results in memory within a cluster instead of recomputing the results from scratch.

Create an index on cnt_table1 view. Then, as new change events stream in through Kafka (as the result of INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operations in the upstream database), the index incrementally updates the view results in memory, such that the in-memory up-to-date results are immediately available and computationally free to query.

CREATE INDEX idx_cnt_table1_field1 ON cnt_table1(field1);

For best practices on when to index a view, see Indexes and Views.

Next steps

With Materialize ingesting your CockroachDB data into durable storage, you can start exploring the data, computing real-time results that stay up-to-date as new data arrives, and serving results efficiently.

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