Monitoring data ingestion
Monitoring the snapshotting progress
In the Materialize Console, the Overview page for the source displays the snapshotting progress.
Alternatively, you can run a query to monitor its progress.
round(100.0 * s.snapshot_records_staged / NULLIF(s.snapshot_records_known, 0), 2) AS snapshot_completed_pct
FROM mz_internal.mz_source_statistics AS s
INNER JOIN mz_objects AS o ON ( =
WHERE NOT s.snapshot_committed;
It’s also important to monitor CPU and memory utilization for the cluster hosting the source during snapshotting. If there are signs of resource exhaustion, you may need to resize the cluster.
In the Materialize Console, the Overview page for the source displays the CPU and memory utilization. See image above.
Monitoring hydration/data freshness status
To monitor the hydration/data freshness status of a source (and its sub-sources), in the Materialize Console, you can go to the Workflow page of a source (or its sub-sources) to check for data freshness status; that is, whether the source is Up to date or Lagging. If lagging, the page also displays the lag amount.
Alternatively, you can run the following query:
FROM mz_sources AS s
INNER JOIN mz_internal.mz_hydration_statuses AS h ON ( = h.object_id);
Monitoring data lag
In the Materialize Console, you can go to the Workflow page of a source (or its sub-sources) to check for data freshness status. If the source (or its sub-sources) is lagging, its Workflow page displays Lagging status as well as the lag amount.
Alternatively, the following query indicates the difference between the largest offset that is known from the external system and the last offset that has been processed (committed) by the source. The units depend on the source type. you want offset_delta
to be close to 0.
s.offset_known - s.offset_committed AS offset_delta
FROM mz_internal.mz_source_statistics AS s
INNER JOIN mz_objects AS o ON ( =
WHERE s.snapshot_committed;