Materialize v0.107


Sources and sinks

  • Support exporting data to Google Cloud Storage (GCS) using AWS connections and the COPY TO command. While Materialize does not natively support Google Cloud Platform (GCP) connections, GCS is interoperable with Amazon S3 (via the XML API), which allows GCP users to take advantage of S3 bulk exports also for GCS.


  • Add the @> and <@ operators, which allow checking if a list contains the elements of another list. Like array containment operators in PostgreSQL, list containment operators in Materialize do not account for duplicates.

    SELECT LIST[7,3,1] @> LIST[1,3,3,3,3,7] AS contains;
  • Add database_name and search_path to the mz_internal.mz_recent_activity_log system catalog view. These columns show the value of the database and search_path configuration parameters at execution time, respectively.

  • Add connection_id to the mz_internal.mz_sessions system catalog table. This column shows the connection ID of the session, which is unique for active sessions and corresponds to pg_backend_pid().

Bug fixes and other improvements

  • Move the PROGRESS TOPIC REPLICATION FACTOR option to the CREATE CONNECTION command for Kafka connections (#27931). The progress topic is a property of the connection, not the source or sink.
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