Materialize v0.43


  • Limit the size of SQL statements to 1MB. Statements that exceed this limit will be rejected.

  • Add the bool_and and bool_or aggregate functions, which compute whether a column contains all true values or at least one true value, respectively.

  • Improve the output of EXPLAIN [MATERIALIZED] VIEW $view_name and EXPLAIN PHYSICAL PLAN FOR [MATERIALIZED] VIEW $view_name to print the name of the view. The output will now look similar to:

        Optimized Plan
     materialize.public.v:           +
       Filter (#0 = 1) AND (#3 = 3)  +
         Get +
  • Disallow NATURAL JOIN and * expressions in views that directly reference system objects. Instead, project the required columns and convert all NATURAL JOINs to USING joins.

  • Fix a bug where active subscriptions were not terminated when their underlying relations were dropped (#17476).

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