
You can use Looker to create dashboards based on the data maintained in Materialize.

Database connection details

To set up a connection from Looker to Materialize, use the native PostgreSQL 9.5+ database dialect with the following parameters:

Field Value
Dialect PostgreSQL 9.5+.
Host Materialize host name.
Port 6875
Database materialize
Schema public
Database username Materialize user.
Database password App-specific password.

Connect using the credentials provided in the Materialize console

Configure a custom cluster

To configure a custom Materialize cluster, follow these steps:

  • Edit the Materialize connection.

  • Expand the ‘Additional Settings’ section.

  • In the ‘Additional JDBC parameters’ section, input:


    Make sure to replace <cluster_name> with the actual name of your cluster.

Known limitations

When using Looker with Materialize, be aware of the following limitations:

  1. Connection Test Error: You might encounter this error when testing the connection to Materialize from Looker:

    Test kill: Cannot cancel queries: Query could not be found in database.

    This error occurs because Looker attempts to run a test query cancellation, which checks for pg_stat_activity (not currently supported in Materialize).

    While this error can be safely ignored and doesn’t impact most Looker functionality, there are workarounds for query cancellation if you need to stop a running query:

    a. Use pg_cancel_backend in Materialize:

    SELECT pg_cancel_backend(connection_id)
    FROM mz_sessions
    WHERE id = 'your_session_id';

    b. Via the Materialize Console:

    • Go to Materialize Console
    • Navigate to Query History
    • Filter by ‘Running’ queries
    • Click on the query you want to cancel
    • Select “Request Cancellation”
  2. Symmetric Aggregates: Looker uses symmetric aggregates, which rely on types and operations not fully supported in Materialize:

    • Materialize doesn’t support the BIT type used by Looker for symmetric aggregates.
    • Looker may use various aggregations (e.g., SUM DISTINCT, AVG DISTINCT) for symmetric aggregates.
    • You can disable symmetric aggregates in Looker if needed. For instructions, refer to the Looker documentation on disabling symmetric aggregates.
    • Looker is fully functional for non-symmetric aggregations when visualizing Materialize data.
  3. Handling Symmetric Aggregates:

    a. Test query performance with and without symmetric aggregates to determine the optimal configuration.

    b. If you encounter performance issues, disable symmetric aggregates in your Looker setup using the link provided above.

    c. For use cases requiring symmetric aggregates, contact Materialize support for optimization guidance.

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