
Namespaces are a logical way to organize Materialize objects. In organizations with multiple objects, they help avoid naming conflicts and make it easier to manage objects. Namespaces allow you to refer to objects by a fully qualified name like database.schema.object_name.

Namespace hierarchy

Materialize follows SQL standard’s namespace hierarchy for most objects. The Materialize structure is:

  • Databases (highest level)
  • Schemas
    • Tables
    • Views
    • Materialized views
    • Connections
    • Sources
    • Sinks
    • Indexes
    • Types
    • Functions
    • Secrets
  • Columns (lowest level)

The root layer in the hierarchy can contain elements directly beneath it. For example, databases can contain schemas.

Objects within the schema layer are not in a hierarchy and do not necessarily share a relationship with one another.

Other objects

The Materialize objects that exist outside the standard namespace hierarchy are:

  • Clusters
  • Cluster replicas
  • Roles

These objects are not referenced by the standard SQL namespace.

For example, to create a materialized view in a specific cluster, your SQL statement would be:


Replicas are referenced as <cluster-name>.<replica-name>.

For example, to delete replica r1 in cluster cluster1, your SQL statement would be:


Roles are referenced by their name. For example, to alter the manager role, your SQL statement would be:

ALTER ROLE manager ...

Two clusters or two roles cannot have the same name, however, a cluster and a role can share the same name. Replicas can have the same name if they are in different clusters.


Reaching namespaces

Namespaces are specified using a format like parent.child.

For example, in a situation where a statement expects a source name, you could use:

  • schema.source to reach a source in another schema
  • database.schema.source to reach a source in another database.

Database details

  • Unlike PostgreSQL, Materialize allows cross-database queries.
  • By default, Materialize regions have a database named materialize.
  • By default, each database has a schema called public.
  • You can specify which database you connect to either when you connect (e.g. psql -d my_db ...) or within SQL using SET (e.g. SET DATABASE = my_db).
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