Timestamp types

timestamp and timestamp with time zone data expresses a date and time in UTC.

timestamp info

Detail Info
Quick Syntax TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE '2007-02-01 15:04:05+06'
Size 8 bytes
Catalog name pg_catalog.timestamp
OID 1083
Min value 4713 BC
Max value 294276 AD
Max resolution 1 microsecond

timestamp with time zone info

Detail Info
Quick Syntax TIMESTAMPTZ '2007-02-01 15:04:05+06'
Aliases timestamp with time zone
Size 8 bytes
Catalog name pg_catalog.timestamptz
OID 1184
Min value 4713 BC
Max value 294276 AD
Max resolution 1 microsecond


TIMESTAMP ( precision ) WITH WITHOUT TIME ZONE TIMESTAMPTZ ( precision ) ' date_str T time_str + - tz_offset '
Field Use
WITH TIME ZONE Apply the tz_offset field.
WITHOUT TIME ZONE Ignore the tz_offset field.
This is the default if neither WITH TIME ZONE nor WITHOUT TIME ZONE is specified.
precision The number of digits of precision to use to represent fractional seconds. If unspecified, timestamps use six digits of precision—i.e., they have a resolution of one microsecond.
date_str A string representing a date in Y-M-D, Y M-D, Y M D or YMD format.
time_str A string representing a time of day in H:M:S.NS format.
tz_offset The timezone’s distance, in hours, from UTC.


  • timestamp and timestamp with time zone store data in UTC.
  • The difference between the two types is that timestamp with time zone can read or write timestamps with the offset specified by the timezone. Importantly, timestamp with time zone itself doesn’t store any timezone data; Materialize simply performs the conversion from the time provided and UTC.
  • Materialize assumes all clients expect UTC time, and does not currently support any other timezones.

Valid casts

In addition to the casts listed below, timestamp and timestamptz can be cast to and from each other implicitly.

From timestamp or timestamptz

You can cast timestamp or timestamptz to:

  • date (by assignment)
  • text (by assignment)
  • time (by assignment)

To timestamp or timestamptz

You can cast the following types to timestamp or timestamptz:

Valid operations

timestamp and timestamp with time zone data (collectively referred to as timestamp/tz) supports the following operations with other types.

Operation Computes
date + interval timestamp/tz
date - interval timestamp/tz
date + time timestamp/tz
timestamp/tz + interval timestamp/tz
timestamp/tz - interval timestamp/tz
timestamp/tz - timestamp/tz interval


Return timestamp

SELECT TIMESTAMP '2007-02-01 15:04:05' AS ts_v;
 2007-02-01 15:04:05

Return timestamp with time zone

SELECT TIMESTAMPTZ '2007-02-01 15:04:05+06' AS tstz_v;
 2007-02-01 09:04:05 UTC
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