Materialize v0.108


Sources and sinks

  • Allow specifying the message key format and the message value format separately in Kafka sinks, using the new KEY FORMAT ... VALUE FORMAT ... option.

  • Support including a header row in CSV files exported using S3 bulk exports.

    COPY some_view TO 's3://mz-to-snow/csv/'
    WITH (
        AWS CONNECTION = aws_role_assumption,
        FORMAT = 'csv',
        HEADER = true


  • Add hydration_time to the mz_internal.mz_compute_hydration_statuses system catalog view. This column shows the amount of time it took for a dataflow-powered object to hydrate (i.e., be backfilled with any pre-existing data).

Bug fixes and other improvements

  • Disallow creating sinks that directly depend on system catalog objects (#28122).
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